Sunday, October 5, 2008

Caramel and Apricot Cake

I envited a few friends to have dinner with us at our home. It's perfect idea to envite just a few friends over so I'll get to talk and mingle with them very well. Too many people is hard to divide my time between cooking, intertaining and so on.
Here's what I made for our dessert... it's a yellow cake with two-layers of caramel cream and one-layer of apricot. This is difinetely a very light, moist and delightful cake with a punch of nutty taste of toasted almonds. This is a great dessert to have, if you'll like a cake that's not too rich and heavy.


Coffee Guy said...

Great looking cakes, works of art. Keep up the postings.

nbalike said...
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A l a i n said...

Magnificent and magic this cake